Sunday 25 May 2008

Prince Harry - Prince Harry Minders Investigated For High-speed Chase

British royal PRINCE HARRY and his police minders are under investigation by U.K. authorities, after allegedly taking part in a high-speed chase to get to London's Boujis nightclub.

According to reports, the young prince was driving his black Audi R8 along the M4 motorway in Berkshire, England, followed by a team of protection officers in unmarked police cars.

However, 33-year-old Tim Williams found himself caught up in the 100 mile (106.9 kilometer)-per-hour chase when one of the security vehicles drove up behind him, forcing him to accelerate and change lanes just to make way for Prince Harry as he passed by in his sports car.

Williams has made an official complaint to local authorities, and bosses at Thames Valley Police station have confirmed they are looking into the incident.

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